On Tuesday 8 June, we had approximately 120 students come into the PAC, ready with their lunches, for a preliminary round of the NZ Spelling Bee. We had students from every junior class scattered on the floor, listening for the 100 words. 50 words were words students had been practising on their own and 50 were from the competition organisers. Acquiesce, tauira, huarere, chauffeur, temerarious, and perspicacious were some of the most difficult words students had to try and spell. I think we even challenged some of the adults in the room…!
We look forward to hearing back from the NZ Spelling Bee about whether any of our students made it into the regional finals.
Thank you to Ms Haslam, Mrs Darby, Mr Meldrum, Mrs Murphy and Ms Pinnell for cheering our students on. We look forward to an inter-whānau version of the Spelling Bee in the near future!
~ Miss Yu