We expect all students to bring their own device (BYOD) to support their learning.

Device Requirements

View Section 6 in the Parent/Guardian Handbook for BYOD requirements and the care and maintenance of devices.

Cyber Safety

Cyber security is different from cyber safety, which includes the protection against objectionable content online (such as pornography); advice about online bullying; and advice on safe social media habits.

If you wish to learn more about cyber safety, you can visit Netsafe.

Cyber Security

Reset Password Link

  1. Click on the link below to reset your BDSC password.
  2. Login to your Microsoft account using your webportal password
  3. From there you can change your password

Password Requirements

  • The “Current password” will be the Portal password (should be provided by the Tutor Teacher).
  • In the “Create new password” and “Confirm new password” boxes, students need to enter the NEW password that they want to use for these accounts: Wi Fi, Office 365, Webprint and network.
  • The new password must have at least 3 of the 4 things listed below:
    • minimum of 8 characters
    • some uppercase or lowercase letters
    • at least one number
    • at least one ‘special character’ (e.g.! or # or %, etc.)

IMPORTANT: The password cannot contain their ID number or any part of the their name.

ALSO IMPORTANT: The Portal password does not get changed to this new password. The student will be sent an email with their Portal password.

  1. Open web Browser and type 
  2. Login with your username and password
  3. Select web print to create a new print job and select Submit a Job.
  4. Once print job is created, release the job from the printer.
  5. Logout when print is completed.
  1. Open web Browser and type
  2. Login with your username and password.
  3. Select Top-up Balance to top-up account balance.
  4. Re-input student username again.
  5. Select the amount to top-up.
  6. Select where you wish to get your receipt.
  7. Put in payment details. 
  8. Done.

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