All new students are to be in correct full school uniform and will require pen, paper, device, lunch and snacks.
Vehicles may not drop off or collect students from inside the college grounds unless students have genuine limited mobility (which needs to be organised with the shcool prior). Please note the church next door does not allow BDSC families to use their carpark.
New students to the College and Whānau must assemble by 8.40am just pass the roundabout, next to the cricket nets at the back of the college (entry is by the set of lights directly across from Botany Town Centre) for our Pōwhiri starting at 9am. As we have construction onsite, please make your way quickly to the assembly area.
Year 9 students will be released at 3pm. New Year 10-13 students will be released at the end of their induction programme, at approximately midday.