Seaweek – Kaupapa Moana - is New Zealand’s annual national week celebrating the sea. Seaweek is an opportunity for all ages to discover the many ways that our lives are connected to the sea. In March every year, we encourage....
Mufti Day in support of Seaweek. Theme is Green and Blue. Please ensure students bring a $2 Gold Coin(s) for this. The College mufti dress code applies. That is: Clothing, although casual, must be appropriate for a college environment; No....
Eligibility to attend the Ball Attending the Ball is a privilege extended to all our Year 12 and 13 students. However, we expect students to consistently demonstrate BDSC’s Our Way values of Respect, Excellence, Integrity, and Care for others. Behaviors....
A whole school event held on school grounds. Compulsory for Years 9-11. Saver day - TBC. Cross Country counts towards the Whānau Shield and points are gained dependent on your finishing position. Students in Year 9 will change into full....
Reports will be published to the Web Portal. These reports include key competency grades from each subject teacher. There are three ‘reports’ that will be available for download from the Web Portal – Interim, Mid-Year, and End-of-Year. Parents receive an email alerting when these formal reports have....