Senior students will need to check their emails the week commencing 20 January 2025 for more information about course confirmation. All Year 12 students are required to attend course confirmation. On this day you will be provided with your....
Students to be in full uniform. For more information, refer to our Term Dates Starting with a Welcome to the college. Allocated Whānau and introduced to Whānau Leader and Assistant Whānau Leaders. Will begin orientation in allocated Whānau, with an introduction....
All students are required to wear full school uniform.
Timetabled classes commence. Arrive at 8:25 am for an 8:45 am start with Whanau Tutor class, issuing of timetables. For more information, refer to our Term Dates
We would very much like to meet all the parents of our new students and are taking this opportunity to invite you to a Whanau-based Parent Information Evening followed by a Year 9 Camp Meeting. The evening will commence at....