Learning Support

If you or your child’s teacher is concerned about your child’s development, learning, behaviour, or communication skills, the Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCO) of our school will be able to access available support for you.

Head of Learning Support:
Mrs A Smith, 273-2310 ext. #436  a.smith@bdsc.school.nz

Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCO):
Mrs P Hodgson, 273-2310 ext. #379  p.hodgson@bdsc.school.nz

The Process

Once your concerns have been discussed and the SENCO or your child’s educational provider is sure that no current school-based programmes can assist your child, they will make a referral to the most relevant Special Education team. They will assess your child’s learning needs and then work collaboratively with you and our school to identify whether your child needs extra support and the type of support required.

Inclusive Education

New Zealand schools adhere to an inclusive education philosophy, which decrees that ALL children are welcomed into a regular class in their local school, and are supported to learn and participate in all aspects of school life alongside their peers. The principles behind inclusive education advocate that human diversity is respected, and that children’s abilities and strengths are recognised while their learning needs are responded to and addressed. It promotes an education system that is responsive to the uniqueness of each student rather than expecting children to fit into a one-size-fits-all model of teaching and learning.

The Ministry of Education provides some Special Education services to support children experiencing challenges to access the curriculum by providing additional resources needed to adapt learning programmes and environments.

For more help

˜ Paula Galey

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